Premier products that are carefully selected and impeccably packaged. Our mission is to let you experience true caviar culture and bring the finest things in life within easy reach.


100,000 Acipenser Baeri fry are born in the hatchery in early spring, in the hatchery in early spring and grow until early summer. early summer. 35 000 of them will be selected and 8 or 9 years later, between 7,000 and 7,500 females, that will produce 4 tons of caviar.


They are transferred in small basins in the open air, as soon as they weigh about ten grams. They continue to gain weight there before being transferred to the into the large basins through water pipes. so as not to stress them. The water of the basins which comes from the Leyre river is maintained all year long between 14° and 17°.


Around the age of 3 years, the sex of the sturgeon is determined by an ultrasound. We thus separate the males which will be sold fresh for their meat, from the females which produce the eggs. The latter are then marked with an electronic chip.


At 8 or 9 years of age, a final ultrasound is performed to determine the size of the grains. Indeed, the grains of Baroque Caviar measure a minimum of 2.6 mm. If the size of the grains is smaller, the animal is put back in the water and it will be necessary to wait for the next cycle.


When the ultrasound is conclusive, the fish are selected for future caviar production. The gonad (the pouch that contains the eggs) is removed. The grains are meticulously sorted by batch (according to size, color and texture of the grains), sifted and rinsed, and the purest salt possible is added. They are then gently stirred and drained before they are put into boxes. Between the assembly and the canning, less than an hour and a half. The average weight of an adult sturgeon is 6 kg, with the eggs representing an average of 10% of its weight.


Conservation always takes place on the day of harvest. It allows an unquestionable traceability and a transparent information thanks to the inscription of the date of harvest on the box and a MDD (Minimum Durability Date) possible, that is to say 12 months after the day of production, with a cold storage.